Auto Loan Best Rate GuaranteeIf you’re looking to get a new car, you may be the thinking that the best and easiest way to finance it is through the dealership. But, you may end up paying more money and spending more time than you’d like getting it financed.

A better option is you can get it financed through your credit union. Many consumers like to get pre-approved before they shop so they know exactly what they’re comfortable spending on a new vehicle. For the consumers who choose to apply after they’ve found a car, approval times are typically a quick turnaround. Here at Westport Federal Credit Union, we understand your time is valuable. You can apply for a loan 24/7 from the comfort of your home here.

On top of online loan applications, here are some extra rewards for financing with us.

Better rate: We have the lowest auto loan rate in the Fall River area starting at just 2.79%*. If you happen to find a rate lower than ours that meets our requirements, we will match it for you!**

A more affordable car: When you get pre-approved before you go shopping, you can relax knowing that you will have been approved for a loan that you can afford. Know exactly how much you can spend and what your maximum payment will be. Westport Federal Credit Union is on your side.

Less time at the dealership: If you’ve ever purchased a car from a dealership, you know that a good amount of your time is spent with a financing manager negotiating terms of the deal. If you’re pre-approved for an auto loan with us, you can skip this process and save yourself some time.

Westport Federal Credit Union wants to help you with your new car! If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment for a free pre-approval, contact our loan department at 508.679.0197 x419. If you already found your next car, fill out an application today and secure your financial future with us.

*Rates as low as…subject to creditworthiness. Terms from 24-84 months.
**Subject to creditworthiness. Rate match offer valid on auto loans only. Competitor rate must be within WFCU field of membership. Proof of rate required from applicant.




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