Debt ConsolidationWith many Americans out of work or just starting to return back to work, debts you owe may be adding up. If you are in need of some extra cash from $500 to $2,000, apply for our COVID-19 Assistance Loan.

If you have more than $2,000 in debt, use our Whatevah Loan to consolidate it. We make applying for the loan and repayment convenient and easy for you.

Westport Federal Credit Union offers transfer management so you don’t have to worry about making sure you paid your bill on time. Choose from weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payment plans. We’ll automatically draft the payment from your checking or savings account.

Let Westport Federal Credit Union’s Whatevah Loan, help consolidate your debt, while lowering interest rates, and set you up with worry-free automatic payments. Take charge of your debt so it doesn’t take charge of you this summer. Apply online or contact us for more information.

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